The mosquitoes in Alabama are stealthy biters. When they first dig in your skin, you may not notice what’s happening. However, it only takes a few minutes for a mosquito bite to become evident. The germs in mosquitoes’ saliva are known to elicit physiological responses in adults and children. You’ll see a variety of symptoms, depending on several factors.
The Most Common Signs that You’ve Been Bitten
What you’ll likely see is a small bump, and you may experience soreness as well. It’s common for a cluster of blisters to appear. In the affected area, the skin will start to itch almost immediately. These symptoms will vary from person to person. In more severe cases, the inflammation may lead to bruises. If you have a skin condition or an autoimmune disorder, chances are you’ll have a more severe reaction to mosquito bites. The symptoms you may experience are hives, swollen lymph nodes, redness and a low-grade fever.
Mosquitoes in Alabama don’t discriminate; they will attack anyone. Given the fact that mosquitoes are vectors of different diseases, it’s in your best interest to be proactive in your fight against mosquitoes.
The Keys to Preventing Mosquitoes from Biting You
With effort and a few items, keeping mosquitoes at bay will be easier than you think. Keep in mind that mosquitoes are attracted to scented products, dark clothing, shaded areas, perspiration and body heat. This explains why some people are targeted more than others are. Therefore, try to wear less cologne or perfume, and try to keep your perspiration under control. Mosquito netting would be a great investment; you can use it on your porch and even drape it across your beach chair. As you examine your home’s exterior, look for tears in the screens that cover your home’s windows and doors. If you find any tears, you should take the time to repair them, or you can replace the screens with new ones to ensure that mosquitoes will stay out of your home. Since mosquitoes depend on water to breed, it would be a good idea to clear your yard of anything that collects water, such as old tires, birdbaths, pet dishes and storm drains.
If you don’t suffer from a skin condition that will easily flare up, you can use an insect repellent that’s specifically for mosquitoes. Whether you use a spray or a sunscreen product, you’ll no longer be an attractive target as long as it’s applied to your skin. This is especially true if you wear protective clothing, such as a hat, a long-sleeve shirt, socks and closed-toe shoes.
Mosquitoes are persistent, so it’s highly likely that they will find a way around your countermeasures. Thankfully, you’re not alone in this fight. All you have to do is pick up the phone to call Mosquitonix Alabama.