Tips for Winning the Mosquito War

Summer in Alabama is a wonderful time. Up to the moment the mosquitoes start biting, when all bets are off. In addition to being an irritating itch, mosquitoes may seriously injure both people and animals by spreading infections and illnesses. The solution doesn’t merely include using pesticides. A comprehensive strategy is necessary to successfully keep…

Tips on How To Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Next Outdoor Event

Have you ever attended an outdoor summer event, like a wedding or a birthday celebration, and ended up covered in mosquito bites? Were you constantly shooing them away? We’re certain you have had this experience before. Doesn’t seem like a good time, does it? However, there is one positive side to this awful experience: you…

Symptoms of An Infected Mosquito Bite

Mosquitoes can transmit diseases including Zika, Yellow Fever, Malaria, and the Chikungunya Virus, and we could become infected as a result. So, how can you tell if the mosquito that bit you was carrying one of these diseases and if you were infected as a result of its bite? Let’s find out! What Are The…