The Zika virus has received significant attention in recent years due to its potential to cause long-term complications. In some cases, Zika can even be fatal. Mosquitoes that contract Zika can act as carriers, and they can pass the infection to humans with their bites. Since mosquitoes can reproduce at a rapid rate, a widespread Zika epidemic in the U.S. is possible if the right control measures are not implemented. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been fighting Zika since 2015, and efforts to control the virus have been successful so far. Zika is, however, still a threat, so you should understand what precautions you need to take to protect your family.
Health Risks of Zika
The reason why Zika has attracted so much attention is due to the problems that it causes for people who contract it. The symptoms of Zika are similar to signs of the common flu. You might experience a cough, fever, and sore throat after contracting the virus. In many cases, people who catch Zika never realize that they have a serious virus until they experience long-term symptoms. Birth defects and reduced brain function are the leading signs that victims notice over time. Babies born to mothers with a history of Zika have a high risk of starting life with a collapsed skull that can lead to mental disabilities.
Number of Zika Cases
The health risks related to Zika cause governments to monitor cases of the virus with care. The CDC keeps careful records on Zika patients to track outbreaks and respond with localized pest control. According to the CDC, a total of 5,658 symptomatic cases have been reported by U.S. residents since 2015. There were also a total of 37,175 symptomatic cases reported in U.S. territories over the same period.
Future of Zika
The CDC has stated that Zika is unlikely to go away in the near future due to the presence of the virus in all parts of the world. Many communities in the U.S. have succeeded in eradicating Zika, but the virus can reappear in these areas at any time. Mosquitoes take less than a week to hatch thousands of eggs, so the potential for Zika to spread will remain high until it is fully eradicated. If Zika would spread at a high rate in the future, the CDC would likely issue widespread inoculations since scientists have developed a vaccine.
Protecting Your Family From Zika
The risks associated with Zika are serious enough for residents of Alabama to take precautions to protect their families. You should take steps to remove breeding grounds for mosquitoes on your property, and repellents and screens should also be used to keep mosquitoes away. MosquitoNix can develop and implement a strategy for eradicating mosquito populations near your home.