Mosquitoes are common outdoor pests. These creatures are known to carry and spread various diseases. Some conditions are fatal. It is important to identify the deadliest mosquito viruses, where in the world they are most common, and how to keep these insects away.
Deadliest Mosquito Viruses
Malaria. Malaria is a condition that destroys the liver. Parasites multiply in the body and cause headaches and other flu-like symptoms. If not treated properly, this disease is fatal. Malaria is mostly found in tropical climates. The highest rates of transmission occur in Africa.
Yellow Fever. This disease is commonly found in South America and Africa. Infected individuals experience severe nausea, fever, and headaches. No cure is available, which makes it deadly, especially in individuals with poor immune systems.
Japanese Encephalitis. This infection strikes the brain and is caused by biting mosquitoes. It is most common in parts of New Guinea and Asia. Symptoms include convulsions, high fever, and coma.
West Nile Virus. The Culex mosquitoes carry West Nile Virus. It affects a person’s blood circulation and can devastate the brain. Severe cases cause convulsions or death.
Ways to Prevent Mosquitoes
Since you will want to enjoy yourself outdoors without worrying about mosquito bites, it is wise to learn ways to keep these creatures away.
Never Allow Water to Stand. Mosquitoes love water. Without it, they cannot reproduce. It is vital to keep puddles away from your home and to eliminate places where water can accumulate after a rainstorm, including dog bowls and empty planters. It is wise to make sure that your gutters do not become clogged. This is a prime breeding ground for these insects.
Use Plants that Repel. There are many plants that naturally repel mosquitoes. Citronella, lavender, peppermint, and marigolds are all items that keep these pests away. Consider planting them around your pool, patio, or anywhere that you will be spending time.
Trim Grassy Areas. When mosquitoes are not searching for blood, they often hide in tall grass and other shrubbery. These provide a cool environment that mosquitoes prefer.To keep these insects away, it is advised to trim your landscaping on a regular basis.
Contact Pest Control Experts
There are a number of serious diseases that you may contact from mosquito bites. To avoid these problems, it is smart to consult with a pest control company like Mosquitonix Alabama. Our experts understand the best ways to treat mosquito infestations that occur in the Birmingham and Huntsville areas. They use the latest equipment and technologies to control mosquito problems. For reliable and efficient service, call us at 256-808-2265.